Easy Analysis
Easy analysis puts a multitude of analysis and charting tools at your fingertips, helping you to anticipate and take advantage of price and costs trends in the IT market.
Anticipate future events
There is no question that a basic understanding of future price and cost trends will minimize the number of incorrect decisions made in planning. Forecasting future markets helps professionals developing the appropriate IT investment and purchasing plan. Without a forecast, the decisions would be made in uncertainty, resulting in reduced performance of the organization.
Look behind the scene
With Benchum Decision you have access to all our “foresights” – predictions on future price trends. You can reenact these scenarios by applying our quantitative forecasting techniques and analysis functions, which have consistently been shown to outperform judgment techniques based on gut feeling. Benchum Decision makes fully transparent how our forecasts are created, and it is an excellent tool for understanding the computational complexity involved in the financial modeling. Regardless of what technique is employed, forecasts are predicated on the accuracy of the data. Historical and current data of the underlying Benchum myData database provide reliable, accurate input and can be plotted and examined for trends and periodicity. Our goal is to provide sufficient information for your strategic planning purposes.
Working optimally together
Benchum Decision works optimally together with our other products. As such, it fits smoothly into our web application Benchum myData. If you already have performed searches and evaluations there, the use of Benchum Decision will be straightforward for you. Both products share the same intuitive user interface; because of the comfortable operation, only small learning effort is required. Also the database of myData is identical to that of Benchum Decision, as we are updating both at the same time. This permits the data usage in both systems at the same time. You get along immediately! This means: considerable time savings right from the start.
Furthermore Benchum Decision is an ideal supplement to our inquiry service. Within Benchum Inquiry we provide targeted evaluations and reports for our customers, which then can be processed and kept up-to-date with Benchum Decision. We dig up the information you need. The provided analysis reduces the lead time for your decision making.
Get an edge over Microsoft Excel
Spreadsheet or worksheet products such as Microsoft Excel have become the standard tool for analyzing and storing in the business community. Excel is, however, often inappropriate for high-level, industrial-strength calculations because it does not separate data source and data analysis; you enter and analyze data in the same table. As a consequence, spreadsheet data analysis is error prone and time consuming. Especially when complex analysis is required, spreadsheets will lead to data redundancy, inconsistency, and low productivity. It is often impossible to understand and make use of spreadsheets created by a colleague.
To get you on the road to more efficient decision making, you need a tool that separates database and analysis function such as Benchum Decision. If a single price in the database changes, the resulting impact is automatically reflected in all your calculations. Moreover, Benchum Decision's data and results are displayed in worksheet tables offering the same functionality, look and feel as conventional spreadsheet programs.
Benchum Decision is delivered on CD-ROM. Please order a free evaluation copy.