Frequently Asked Questions
Get the help you need online. Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions regarding our software Benchum Decision and the bonus program.

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What is the difference between single-user and network version?
Although software and features are identical, a few differences exist:
The single-user version does not allow several users to use a single database in order share the same data. If you try to connect to the database to which another user already is logged in, access will be denied.
You can only update a single copy of the single-user version. If you try to login in to our automatic update server with a second copy of a single-user version, access will be denied.
Only the network version (and the web host version) provides automatic synchronization of changes between different copies of the database. This allows you, for example, to synchronize changes made offline on your laptop with the server database.
What is the difference between network and web host version?
The web host version includes all features of the network version. In addition, it provides the following enhancements:
Installation of Benchum Decision on your intranet web server, making access via browser possible from nearly any computer in your enterprise.
Synchronization of changes between different copies of the database using your intranet FTP host. PC clients can download new data and upload their user database via Internet. With the network version, by contrast, they must be connected to the LAN or WAN network.
Configuration of a single instance of Benchum Decision serving simultaneously as intranet web host and network server.
More information on the different versions.
What is the difference between Benchum myData and Decision?
Benchum myData is web application while Benchum Decision is Windows software installed or your PC or server. The database of myData is identical to that of Benchum Decision as we are updating both at the same time. However, only Benchum Decision provides additional functionality such as easy analysis and data import. The website of myData is part of Benchum Decision’s web host version. Benchum Decision is, from a design standpoint, a superset of Benchum myData.
How do I obtain an evaluation version of your software?
For security reasons Benchum Decision is delivered on CD-ROM only. Please order a free evaluation copy. If you are subscribing to our professional, professional group, or enterprise package, you will automatically receive the CD-ROM at start of service.
How does database synchronization work?
The synchronization guarantees that all database copies within a user group are always consistent and that no data is lost.
What is a user group?
A user group is a community that share the same user database of Benchum myData and Benchum Decision. The group is established with a registration key, which we distribute for our online services. New members can join the group using the registration key until the maximum number of accounts of their service package has been used.
More information on the user group.
What is a user database?
Your user database is the section of our database that is exclusively accessible to your user group. Here, you can add your own data, and we might provide extra information for your particular issues. When retrieving information, our application will first look in your user database. Only if not sufficient results are returned, it will then investigate the central database.
More information on the user database.
I’m using Microsoft Excel for all my calculations!
The serious drawback of spreadsheets such as Excel is that data source and data analysis are not separated. You enter and analyze data in the same table. As a consequence, spreadsheet data analysis is error prone and time consuming. Especially when complex analysis is required, spreadsheets will lead to data redundancy, inconsistency, and low productivity.
Benchum Decision separates database and analysis function. If a single price in the database changes, the resulting impact is automatically reflected in all your calculations. Moreover, Benchum Decision's data and results are displayed in spreadsheet tables offering the same functionality, look and feel as traditional spreadsheet program.
How can I get a bonus?
We honor the input from our customers. We offer you a bonus for sharing your market information with us. This can be list prices or effective prices for hardware, software, services, or other data. The information might be confidential or public. You find the bonus schedule here. We keep strict confidentiality about all data that passes to us. Please note that the bonus only applies to the professional, professional group, and enterprise package; the basic package is not bonus eligible.
Can I send you any data in order to get a bonus?
We appreciate any input from our customers; the conditions for bonus eligibility are as follows:
You may not submit the same information twice.
You may not download it from our online service Benchum myData.
It may represent useful information in some respect, not pure “data rubbish”.
What do you do with the information I provide?
We are committed to maintain strict confidentiality on all information you provide us, and we will never publish it at any place nor share it with a third party. Instead, your information and observations will enrich our internal data pool and strengthen our empirical basis. We will carefully evaluate all data. If the provided prices seem unreasonable to us, we will exclude them from our evaluations. In our experience, however, this rarely is the case.
Do I need Benchum Decision to get a bonus?
No, it is not necessary to use Benchum Decision in order to get a bonus. You can also send us your information on paper, electronically or any other forms, by mail, email or fax. For example, you might provide us your price information for an inquiry. If you are using Benchum Decision anyway, it provides a very convenient interface to the bonus program.